
PageSpinner X-Flies

Some truth may be in here

Subject: PageSpinner
Status:  Completely unsupported
Access:  Restricted
Usage :  Not recommended

Changing colors in the editor
Customizing the Web Tools Menu

Changing colors in the editor

Create a backup copy of the file HTML Tags located in PageSpinners "Settings" Folder. Open the file HTML Tags with antoher text editor such as Alpha or BBEdit Lite.

Example of contents in file HTML Tags: <H1> </H1>╗ 530 1 24 1 Times <A> </A> 527 4 0 2 <CODE> </CODE> 581 Code tag 0 9 0 Monaco The number 4 in the <A> row is the styling code, change this to 0 for no style.
The number 0 means no size change, you may change this to a size in points.
The number 2 is the color code for blue (they are numbered as they appear in the color menu so changing this to 6 will make it red). See a more detailed description of the contents in a row below.

Be careful not to delete or add any tab or returns!
Restart PageSpinner.
If PageSpinner crash at startup restore the backup file and try again.
You will have to do is for every new relase since the author seems to change the contents in the HTML Tags file.

Tag info Description Example
1 Start tag The ╗ character indicates a line break <CODE>
2 End tag May be empty </CODE>
3 Internal number Don't change this 581
4 Comment Not needed Code tag
5 Style code Integer value for the style to be used for text inside a tag pair

0 Plain
1 Bold
2 Italics
4 Underlined
8 Outlined
16 Shadowed
32 Condensed
64 Extended
It is possible to combine styles by adding the values, e g the value 5 (1+4) gives bold and underlined text in the editor.
6 Font size 0 means no change - other values are size in points, think these must be > 4 9
7 Color One of the following color codes (0-16):
0 No change
1 Black
2 Blue
3 Cyan
4 Green
5 Lt Green
6 Red
7 Lt Red
8 Yellow
9 Lt yellow
10 Brown
11 Lt brown
12 Deep Purple
13 Magenta
14 Dark gray
15 Lt gray
16 White (useless)
8 Fontname Name of the font to be used for text inside a tag pair, if this is empty no change will be made Monaco

Customizing the Web Tools Menu

The Web Tools Menu can be modified with a text editor such as SimpleText.
Open the file "Web Tools Menu" in the "Settings:WebTools" folder.
Every line is a menu item and contains:

[The creator code for the app] SPACE [The name in the menu]

Change or add a line if you want to add another application.
Restart PageSpinner.
If PageSpinner crash at startup restore the backup file and try again.

The creator code consists of 4 characters - you can find out the code for an application by using ResEdit.

It must be a space (and not a tab) after the creator code.

To put in a line in the menu add a line with five spaces and a - character
"     -"

Last modified June 42 1904